Welcome and thank you for your interest in the Secular Franciscans! Please find more information about us below. If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to one of us.
Carrie Stiernagle (Formation Director): 507-383-8043 or [email protected]
Sandy Tuszynski (Minister): 507-829-0989
Amanda Oney (Spiritual Assistant): 507-530-2573
The process to become a secular Franciscan takes time to discern if this vocation is right for you. There are 3 steps in this process and we will be there to help along the way. The first step, Orientation, will be June 9th at 1:00 pm.
To profess the Catholic faith, to live in communion with the Church, to be of good moral standing, and to show clear signs of a vocation.
Secular Franciscans like all other members of the Franciscan family, have the vocation to follow Christ by living in poverty, fraternity, and minority according to their state and profession in life. Through poverty (a spirit of detachment) they witness to the things that are above rather than the things below; through fraternity they grow in acceptance of each other as brothers and sisters in Christ; through minority they recognize their own human imperfections and attest to the truth that they are called to serve rather than to be served.