By Julie Stern, OFS
Queen of Peace Region offered two gatherings this past autumn that offered new and renewed Franciscan spirits.
The Fall Gathering Assisi Heights in Rochester, MN home of the Sisters of St Francis was the location for the Fall Regional Gathering. Welcomed by the local Holy Trinity Fraternity along with the Sisters who live there, we found the majestic grounds truly put us in touch with the Canticle of the Creatures. Our tour guides walked us through the history of the local order and how they worked with the Mayo family in bringing the first hospital, St Mary's, to their community in the 1880's.
Over seventy registrants started the day with continental breakfast, book sale and silent auction. The Keynote speaker, Sister Ramona Miller, author of several Franciscan books and local teacher, presented “Relationships: Francis and Clare Exemplars" along with Pope Francis' teaching on Laudato Si and the Trinity of God.
Sister Ramona explained that although St Bonaventure never knew Francis he interviewed and taught the first Franciscans in that spirituality is not a private matter but one to open up and share with each other. In 1894, Paul Sabatier's "Life of St. Francis of Assisi" was written to bring out a truer version of Francis and Clare's lives. The Canticle of Creatures was the first Italian word in Latin, a mystical prayer experience while Francis couldn't see or write and that he is now diagnosed as to having leprosy of the eyes which led to his death. All parts of creation including song birds are praising God as he intended; however we have free will and we know where that leads us.
St Clare stated; "always praise Him for and in all things" interacting with God's presence. Both Francis and Clare's exemplar lives inspire and influence our lives. They jumped to the inner court with God, not involved physically; they had to talk and get acquainted to fulfill the vision of Francis: a classless society of women. Francis recited his Canticle at San Damiano next to Clare. Clare was the first woman in history to write a rule for her life and he "Poor Ladies". In 1250 she put Francis' words in the center of her rule and always wanted Franciscan priests as teachers. Following in the footsteps of Jesus; poor was new in the faith, an expression of community, not just with the "far off God".
Sister Ramona's reflection for us: "Where in your reflection with God is your joy, a need to go beyond yourself to reach a sensitivity to grace? Watch for it”. It’s not about you but an opportunity to nurture.
In Pope Francis' "Laudato Si", the evolution of thought he wrote for the world instructs us to use our human gaze to open the clarity of God with us and uses the word "world" several times meaning humankind and "creation" as the entire universe. The JPIC group distributed CD's of Laudato Si materials and references to each fraternity in the region for further study.
Jesus was sent from the Trinity to show us that we too are part of this community of "circular divine dance". Abiding in each other eternally, made with a soul, memory, intellect, and will, we reflect the Trinity with our self-giving and love. Spirituality, an experience and expression of and with God is the union of love. Seek it in structured times: private prayer, communal compassion of our hearts shown in our relationships, personally and globally.
In fraternity, what is common outside your own relationship with Jesus is the focus, not personal feelings. Be sparked towards the mission, a commitment to a vision towards the future. Fraternity shows signs of the Gospel in action through consecrated life. Learn how to receive and give love, be humble by listening to each other. We have something to learn from everybody. Become who you are supposed to be to make your community holy-whole for God.
All Iowa Retreat San Damiano Fraternity (Iowa) hosted the All Iowa Retreat this fall at Otter Creek Nature Center in Tama County, IA and celebrated our fifteenth anniversary of Canonical Establishment with a history table, book sale, silent auction and a catered hot lunch. Our Keynote Speaker was the lovely Deb Richards who introduced the more than 25 attendees to the “Called and Gifted” program. Melody Tanines, our treasurer, musician and Spiritual Assistant in training prepared our Morning Prayers, music for the day as well as preparing the music for the Mass that was celebrated by our own retired pastor, Father Tom Braack. Renie Loney, Elaine Upah and Shirley Delfs decorated the area with fresh flowers and gourds and served our continental breakfast with all the goodies our fraternity brothers and sisters brought. Thanks go out to all our “behind the scenes” helpers that made the day so successful.
Ms. Richards opened her program by asking us about our charisms and how we use them, using the example of the pope showing charism to our world by visiting our country the week of this retreat, a result of grace. She also referred to several bible readings, expressing the gifts of the Holy Spirit, noting that spiritual gifts imply obedience. We used St Catherine of Sienna Institutes tool, and inventory questionnaire to start the process of learning our own spiritual gifts in order to exercise these gifts that God has given us; his instruments. The Spirit calls the gift forth; it is not our idea, we don't control it. We have a lifetime to develop our gifts, it is never too late. Pastoral Gifts include Encouragement, Helps, Hospitality, Mercy and Pastoring. Organizational Gifts include Administration, Leadership, Giving and Service. Communication Gifts include Evangelism, Teaching, Prophecy, Healing and Intercessory Prayer. Understanding Gifts include Knowledge, Wisdom, and Spirits. Holiness and Creativity Gifts: Craftsmanship, Music, Writing. Lifestyle Charisms include Celibacy, Faith, Missionary, and Voluntary Poverty.
Steps of discerning your Gifts: explore the possibilities, try it on. Look at your own experiences in life; where do you feel energized, effective? What are other people telling you about you?
Ms. Richards referred to Elizabeth O'Connor's words that "your spiritual gifts are a force within you to be shared with others" and to "exercise the gifts that God gave you and call forth the gifts of another”. It flows easily when you quit trying to make work out of it. Our candidate, Rosemary Sloss inspired us by stating that "He put us here to help each other get to heaven".
The God given sunny day's retreat was concluded with a Mass served by several volunteers using their gifts.