“The Franciscan family, as one among many spiritual families raised up by the Holy Spirit in the Church, unites all members of the people of God – laity, religious, and priests – who recognize that they are called to follow Christ in the footsteps of St. Francis of Assisi.”
- The Secular Franciscan Rule, Article 1
The Secular Franciscan Order is governed by its own Rule, as well as general Church Law. The Secular Franciscan Order is a canonically established Order within the Catholic Church and not an organization or club.
The Order consists of married and single members of the Catholic Church. Diocesan clergy can also be members. Secular Franciscans strive to live out the Gospel in the spirit of Saint Francis and St Clare of Assisi through their word, example and attitudes in everyday life.
Secular Franciscans, secular by their life-style, are members of a local fraternity rather than a religious community. The fraternity is the privileged place for developing their sense of community, Franciscan vocation and ministry. Monthly fraternity meetings with their common prayer, formation and fellowship provide the spiritual nourishment needed to live as a Franciscan in the world.
If you are searching for a way to deepen your Baptism, deepen your relationship with Jesus and give witness to the life and teachings of Jesus, the Holy Spirit may be inviting you to consider a vocation as a Secular Franciscan. If interested, you must be a practicing Catholic in good standing with the Church, be willing to accept that belonging to the Secular Franciscan Order means a life-long commitment to the Franciscan way of life and be at least 18 years of age.
May the Lord give you Peace! Pax et bonum!
Over 800 years ago in Assisi, Italy, a man named Francis was praying in front of the San Damiano Cross, which hung in the small San Damiano Church. Francis heard Jesus say to him: “Rebuild My Church”. Francis chose the life of Christ as his guide and people began following Francis embracing Franciscan values of simplicity, joy, hope, peace and love.
Are you being called to rebuild the Church of today?
Interested in becoming a Secular Franciscan?
Email the Regional Formation Director Cynthia Gunsolly, OFS at [email protected]
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